Tena Koe - WELCOME
CORSO is a Pacific-based NGO active in local communities across Aotearoa New Zealand. We act in solidarity with communities in the Pacific and beyond.
CORSO's principles and world views
Corso Supports the return of Tino Rangatiratanga to Maori people as guaranteed under te Tiriti o Waitangi as the first steps towards liberation of all people of Aotearoa. This process is inseparable from Corso's work for a just world.
The present world order does not allow the full development of people in either high or low income countries - in fact it is a barrier to the growth of people everywhere because it is based on the unequal distribution of wealth and power.
A condition of development is to transform the present world order, not merely to promote a transition from economic poverty to the equally inhuman state of over-consumption.
Human development is inseparable from justice and encompasses equal access to economic opportunity, production for peoples' needs, participation in all levels of decision-making, respect for culture diversity and respect for the human rights of all.
Corso's task is to promote total human development by supporting people, both in New Zealand and overseas, to work together in transforming the conditions and structures of injustice and the attitudes that reinforce them.
Corso understands how poverty and injustice are linked to unjust economic and political systems.
Corso understands how colonization has been at the heart of many of these problems.
Corso works people-to-people, supporting communities who are working to change their lives
Corso Understands how International Organizations like the World Bank and the International Monetary fun have helped perpetuate a narrow economic world-view which has destroyed people's lives and often the environment.
As well as doing this education work, Corso provides ways for people to respond financially to people overseas and in this country
2016 AGM
29th October 2016
Email for interest at
or phone us at 754 7757